Ælfred Micela

West Seaxna Cyning
(Edlǣded of Ælfrēd Micela)
Ælfred Micela
Had: 6.
Ricsode: 847. gear-26. Winterfylleþes 899. geares
Foregenga: Æðelræd I
Byrdgear: 847. gear
Byrdestede: Waneting on Bearrucscire
on Englalande
Wif: Ealhswiþ
Begrafen: Wintanceaster Biscopstol Cirice
Deaþdæg: 26. Winterfyllþes 899. geares
Acennendas: Æðelwulf and Osburga

Ælfred (geboren þæs 847. geares? - cwæl 26. Winterfylleðes þæs 899. geares) wæs cyning Englalandes fram þæm 871. geare oþ þæt 899., ac he racode næfre ofer andlangum lande. Ælfred is tirfæst for þy he werede his cynerice wiþ þa Deniscan (Wicingas), and for þæm earnode þone binaman, "Micel". Cnæwþ man his lifes soþsage for gewrite fram þæm Wiliscan scolere Assere. Ælfred wæs larwita and fyrþrede boccræft and cynerices lagan ætieced.



Ælfred wæs geboren ahwænne betweonan þæm 847. geare and þæm 849. Æfter Criste on Wanetinge in Bearrucscire[1].

Ælfred wæs se feorða sunu Æðelwulfes Cyninges Westseaxna, and gelicost his modor wæs Osburh Æðerwulfes forma wif. He wæs æftergenga for his breðer, Æðelræd I, to cyninge Westseaxna and Mierca, on þæm 871. geare.

Hu Ælfred forþferde is ungecnawen. Eac þæt gear nis gewitodlic. Se dæg wæs se 26. Winterfylleþes, and nu wenþ man þæt þæt gear wære þæt 899., na þæt 900. ne þæt 901. swa man ær wende.

Utanwearde bendas


Foregan fram:
Englalandes Cyning
871. gear899. gear
Æftergan fram:
Eadweard Ieldra
Foregan fram:
Westseaxna Cyning
871. gear899. gear
Foregan fram:
Æftergan fram:


  1. Assa: Ælfredes Lif. Waneting is Bearrucscirburg, ac for gerecþegnung fram þæm 1974. geare is nu gefunden in Oxnafordscire)