7. Winterfylleðes
(Edlǣded of 7a dæȝ Ƿinterfylleðes/ȝƿ)
- 3761 BCE - Sēo tīd þǣre gengan Hebrēiscan gerīmbōce.
- 1571 - Beadu Lepanto: Forman sīðe ƿæs þæt Ottomaniscan Rīce forhīened fram þǣre crīstenan Europan, sƿā manigþēodlic flota under Don John Ēastrīces gehnyscte þone Turciscne flōthere nēah þǣre Corinthiscan Flēote.
- 1985 - Þæt Ƿendelsǣlice gārsecgscip Achille Lauro ƿæs gefangen fram Palestiniscum brēgeras.
- 2001 - Sēo U.S. infaru Afghanlandes ongann æt 16:30 UTC mid lyftlicum berstungsearƿa ƿīgsīðe mid Talibaniscum and Al-Qaida hergum sƿā miercelsas.