Sēo Angelcirice is sēo gestaþolede cirice on Englum[1]. Hēo is ēac sēo "Modorcirice" þǣre ƿoruldƿīde Anglecyndan Gemænsumnessa and sēo ieldeste þāra Gemǣnsumnessa eahta and þrittig ungeƿildera þēodciricena and grundscēatciricena.
Sēo Angelcirice sēoþ self sƿā begen eallic and ednīƿe: [2]
- Eallic forþǣm þe hēo sīehþ hīe selfe sƿā Cristes eallīce cirican dǣl sēo gesingalaþ ungebrocene sēo ære apostolīce and æfterielda cirice. Þēs is gesceaƿan in hire fæstnes to þā lāra þara æran Cirice Hēahfæderas, sƿā man hīe leornaþ in þǣm crēdum[3].
- Ednīƿe forþǣm sēo Cirice þigeþ þā lārcƿidas þǣre Cirice Ednīƿung. Sēo Ednīƿe cynd is gesceaƿod in þǣm Nigon and Þrēotig Trametum, gestaðelod for þǣm æfæstnessehte under Elisabeþ I Engla Cƿēn. Þǣre Angelcirican sidan and þegnungbōc, þæt cyðaþ sēo Mǣnelic Bed Bōc, sind geƿefen fram ieldrum Rēmiscum geselenise ac āƿended be þǣre Ednīƿunge lārcƿidum[3].
Sēo Angelcirice hæfþ 44 biscoprīce ǣlc mid his sylfrum biscope (tƿegen and fēoƿertig on Englum, āna ofer Manīege and þone Biscop of Calpis in Europan). Þissa sind tƿegen ercebiscopes; se Ercebiscop of Cantaƿarabyrig and se Ercebiscop of Eoforƿice.
Sēo Cirice hæfþ hire ambiht ofer Englalande, Manīege and missenlicum prēostscīrum on Ƿealum. Hēo is dǣl þæs rīces ac mæste ungeƿildera; hēo hæfþ his selfe "ƿitenagemot"; þā Gemǣne Synoðe. Sēo Gemǣne Synoþ hæfþ þrēo hūs; þæt Biscopa Hūs, þæt Prēosta Hūs and þæt Læƿedera Hūs.
Oþ 1920 ƿæron eallan Ƿylisc biscoprīcu in þǣre Angelcirican. Fram 1801 oþ 1871 ƿæs sēo Angelcirice geānlæht mid þǣre Īracicircan sƿā Sēo Geānlæhte Cirice of Englalande and Īrlande.
adihtan- ↑ The History of the Church of England. The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England. Writen fram the original on 2010-02-21. Begieten on 2009-02-10. (on Nīƿenglisce: )
- ↑ Archive copy. Writen fram the original on 2011-08-30. Begieten on 2009-02-10.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1