Moretoin is tūn on Normandige in ƿestnorþenum Franclande, nu on his ‘’Manche’’ scīre. Se tūn stent on stænenum beorge se stigð ofer þæm crundle þærin flēoƿeþ Cance sēo ēa, Sélune ēa tributary.
adihtanIn þære Middelyldan ƿæs Moretoin hēafodstōl ofer important eorldōme (Frencisc: comté), in þæm handum þæs cynecynnes Normandiges and of þæm hūs ƿæron his eorlas. Ymbe 1027 ƿæs þes eorldom gestaþoled for Roðbeart, se ƿæs aliefþ man Ricardes Eorles bastard. Æfter Roðbeartes ierfa ƿæs Ƿillelm Ƿarlenc, Roðbeartes sunu. In 1049 oððe ymbe þæm geare anām Ƿillelm Normandiges Eorl þone eorldom of Ƿillelm Ƿarlenc and geaf hine his healfbrēder, Roðbeart, se ƿæs þæræfter "Eorl of Moretoine," and his micel agnunge on Englum æfter þæm Gehiersumunge in 1066 geaf naman "þæm lytlum tūnum Moretoines," þā ahtedon læss þegnunge his hlāforde þonne oþru.
Æfter Roðbeart ierfede Ƿillelm Eorl of Moretoin his sunu, and Ƿillelm feahtede ƿiþ Heanric I Cyning, and ƿæs gefengen æt the Tenercebrai Beadƿe in 1106 and for his dǣd losede eall his agnung. Æfter fēƿum ƿintrum geaf Heanric Cyning his nefan Stepne þone eorldōm. Stepne fang to rīce on Englum and on Normandige in 1135. On Stephen's dēaþ in 1154 ƿeard Ƿillelm his sunu Eorl of Moretoin, ac on þæn forþferde Ƿillelm būton bearnum in 1159 nām Heanric II Cyning þone eorldōm and his land and title. Ricard I Cyning (1189) geaf Moretoin his brōþor Iohannes, and he ƿæs be title Eorl of Moretoin oð he fang to rīce in 1199. Iohannes losede Normandig and mid his landum losede he ēac Moretoine. Noþȳlǣs æfter eftnām se Lonceastre Hūs Normandig, ƿæs Ēadmund Beaufort, Iohannes of Gaunt sunusunu, gebanned Eorl of Moretoin and bār sƿylc title oð 1441 þan ƿæs he Eorl of Dorsætum.
In Weodmonað 1944 in Moretoin ƿæs miclu gārmitting betƿuh Germaniscum and Americaniscum ƿigum. Ofer siexe nihtum feahtede hƿæte se 30. Fēðan Bedælunge fought ƿiþ Germaniscum byrneƿægnum in Operation Lüttich, þe hie preserve the breakout staþolede in Operation Cobra. J D Salinger ƿritere feahtede in þæm Americaniscum þrēate and of þisre onfundelnesse sæd his dōhtor cƿōm his līfes gnornsorg.
adihtanMoretoines scild is in þara bodan gereorde:
Azure, semy de lys Or, a bend compony argent and gules.
Ymbe þæm tūne
adihtanSēo tūncirice be naman Halga Evroult is magnificent example of the transitional style of the early 13th century. Close to the town is the Abbaye Blanche, founded as a Benedictine convent in 1105 and soon afterwards affiliated to Cîteaux. The church is a perfect example of a Cistercian monastic church of the late 12th century, and portions of the 12th-century cloisters also survive. The ruins of a castle was once the home of the cruel Sir Guillaume de Moretoin and the site of the Gap of Goeblin.
adihtan Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid: Moretoin |