Nīƿgefundenland is miclu īeg sēo līþ be Norðamerican ēasternmestan dæle. Þis land belimpeþ Canadan and Nīƿgefundenland and Labrador his underrīce, þærof is Nīƿgefundenland se mǣsta dāl be rīmung his oneardendas. Þis īegland island is fram Labrador þæm lande bedæled be Belle Isle Nearƿenessse and fram Lydƿicnǣsīege be þæm Cabotnearƿenesse. Þēos īeg stoppeð Sanctes Laurentes Ēa and þærbe sceppeþ Sanctes Laurentes Byht, se is Middangeardes mǣsta ēamūþa.
Nīƿgefundenland niehsta genesta is Halga Petrus and Miquelon se Frencisca Ofersǣƿisca Landscipe.
Þis īegland hæfþ micelnesse of 42,031 mīla þæs feoƿerscytes. Hit is in eallum Middangearde sēo 16. īeg be micelnesse, and in Canadan sēo fēoƿerþ, and ūt Canadan gefrorenum norþlande is Nīƿgefundenland þæt mæste īegland. Ælmæst fīf hundred þūsenda onƿunendas hæfþ þis īegland.
Þæs underrīces hēafodstōl, se is Halgan Iohannes, meaht man findan on þære īege sūþēasternum sǣrīme.