(Edlǣded of Norðþrondham)
Þrōndhām oþþe Þrōwendhām is land on Norþmannum þæt līþ be norðan Hereðalande. Norþƿeges tilost land for gebūrum is hēr.
In Norðmanna sprǣce tōdæg is þisse scīre nama Trøndelag, se is Þronda lagu ac ǣr ƿæs hit Þróndheimr. Tƿā scīre hæfþ it: Sūþþrōndhām and Norþþrōndhām.
Þronde ƿǣron mægþ þisses fylces and ǣr ƿæs Þrōndhām rīce. Hiere mǣst burg is Niðeross, þæs nama is ēac Þrōndhāmceaster (Norðisc: Trondheim).
adihtanNorðþrōndhām is tōðegnunge scīr sēo is Þrōndhāmes norþdǣl, be norðan Þrōndhāmsflēote. Hēo is Norþƿeges læst scīr æfter onƿunendum.
adihtanNorðþrōndhām is tōðegnunge scīr sēo is Þrōndhāmes sūþdǣl, be sūðan Þrōndhāmsflēote. His mǣst burg is Niðeross.