Norþhymbra Rīce
Rīċe on Engla landes norþmestum dǣle
(Edlǣded of Norðanhymbre)
Norþanhymbra rīce wæs cynerīce on Engla lande, þæt norþmestum þāra Engliscum rīcum. Hit stōd fram Wæþ oþ Hymbre and fram Brytene ēasthealfe oþ hire westhealfe.
Norþanhymbra rīce wearþ geānlǣht fram Beornica-rīce and Dera-rīce and Norþanhybra ǣrresta cyning wæs Æþelfriþ se fang to rīce on Beornica in 592 and on Derum in 604.