Ðā Ƿestindīega licgaþ in þæm Caribiscan Sǣ in Ƿestsǣ beēasten Middelamerican and Norðamerican, and benorþen Sūþamerican.
Se Caribisca Sǣ is īegƿelig. Þes brimes mǣsta īegboga is be naman 'Antillas' se aþeneþ of Norðamerican ecge ēasteƿearde and sūþƿearde in langum bogan oþ Guianan rīme be Sūþamerican and and eall befēhð þæs Caribiscan Sǣs norþern ecg and his ēastern. Be norþen þissum īegbogan licgað þā Bahamas and þā Turcas and Caicos Īegland. In þæm garsecge norðƿeard līþ Bermuda and his īega sindon þā fyrðermestan land in þæm naman 'Ƿestindīega'.
Manig sundorrīcu sind on þæm Ƿestindīegum.
In geardugum be dǣledon Spēne, Brettas, Francas, Dēne and Niðerlandƿare þās īega onmang him and ƿrōhtedon on ælcum īeglande sƿētegærs tilþ and hie brōhtedon Þēoƿas of Affrice þe nū sind in þissum īeglandra oneardendum se hēafodgerīm sƿeart. Beforan Europeƿare cƿōmon ƿæron Scrælingas hēr.
Þāra Ƿestindīegra Criccet Tēam is strang in þæm gamen and haefþ gegyldas of manigum īegland þæs Þēodacyneƿīsan and of Guyanan, land æt þæs brimes ecge.