Englisca Ingewinn
Se Englisca Ingeƿinn ƿæs blōdig ingeƿinn on Englum hƿærin feahton þæs Cyninges aƿreðiendas ƿiþ þæs Ƿitenagemōtes aƿreðiendum in series of armed conflicts and political machinations of 1642 oð 1651.
Þes ƿæl ƿæs in tƿǣim dalum þa hett man þā Forma Englisca Ingeƿinn (1642 - 1645) and þā Oþer Englisca Ingeƿinn (1648 – 1649) gefeahten betƿuht þæm geþafum of Carles II Greatbryten Cyninges and þæm geþafum þæs Langan Ƿitenagemōtes. Ēac in 1651 ƿæs þisse gūðe endmesta þing, þæt ƿæs sigelēasu fyrding be Carl II se endode in his defeat æt þære Ƿigorneceastre Beadƿe on 3 Hāligmonaþ 1651.
Þeos gūþ ƿæs se blōdigsta dæl þara Geƿinnas þara þrēora Cynerīca
<-- ƿæs sēo endebyrdness gūða and and ƿealdscipiscra searƿa þā gelumpon betƿeoh ƿitenagemōtes aƿreðiendum and cyninges aƿreðiendum fram þǣm 1642. gēare þæt 1651., þæt is þæt forme ingefeoht (fram þǣm 1642. oþ þæt 1645.) and þæt ōðer (fram þǣm 1648. gēare oþ þæt 1649.) betƿeoh þǣm aƿreðiendum Charles I and þǣm aƿreðiendum þæs Langan Ƿitenegemōtes, and þæt unspēdige onginn fram Charles II þæs ende ƿæs his oferdrīfung on þǣre Gūðe Ƿiogoraceastre on þǣm 3. Hāligmonaþes þæs 1651. gēares.
Ymbe þæm sæce
adihtanSe Ingewinn ƿæs inextricably mixed mid series of sǣc and ingeƿinn betƿeonum 1639 and 1651 and þissa dǣl in þæm þrim rīcum þā ƿæron Englaland, Scotland and Īrland, þā ƿæron sundra rīciu mid ānum ānƿealdan, Carl I, forþæm het man þās gecnyttedan sacas þā Geƿinnas þara þrēora Cynerīca oððe þā "Bryttiscan Ingeƿinnas".
Æt þæs Oþres Engliscan Ingeƿinnes ende ƿæs se ordāl Carles Cyninges and þe man him behēafde. His sunu Carl II ƿæs on ƿræcce gesended, and in stede þæs Engliscan cynedōmes ƿæs sēo Engla Cyneƿīse (1649 - 1653) and Ƿeardscipe (1653–1659) under Olivres Cromƿelles agnum ƿeald. Sēo gesetnes þærbe ne mōt man attend ƿeorðscipe ūtan þære Angelcirican endode and nīƿ oncƿedend þegnhād ƿæs gestaþoled on Īrum. Þās þing gestaðoledon principal þe se cyning ne mōt rīcan būtan þæs Ƿitenagemōtes geþafunge.
Engle þoleden ingeƿinn in sundrigum yldum, ac ǣr þis ƿæron sƿylce unfriþ ymbe hƿā meahte ricsian. Se Englisca Ingewinn ƿæs for in hƿelcum ƿīse meaht þæt rīce be gericsoden, hƿǣrfor secgð stǣrƿriteras þe he ƿæs seo Englisce Onƿendung and on þæs Cyninges folgendum in þæm dagum ƿæs he se Micla Ƿiðersæc.
Ūtwearda hlencas
adihtan- Ingeƿinn Niƿƿeorc Ymbe castlum, onsettungum and defences þæs Engliscan Ingeƿinnes (in Niƿƿeorce on Snotingahamscire)
- Se Ingeƿinn ymbe Beormingaham 1642-1648 Archived 2007-01-01 at the Wayback Machine
- Þā Geƿinnas þara þrēora Cynerīca Archived 2008-02-05 at the Wayback Machine The British and Irish Civil Wars be Jane Ohlmeyer
- Lecture 7: Se Englisca Ingeƿinn – Historyguide