Folcland Īegland
Þā Folcland Īegland licgaþ in þǣm sūðernan Garsecge ymbe 300 mīla of Sūðamerican and 700 mīla of Antarctica. Hie sind Bryttisc ofersǣ landscipe. Þā īega hēafodburg is Stanley on Ēastfolclande.
Scēapƿelig sindon þā Īegland, and hēr is hiera mǣst fēoh.
Siððan ðe Bretƿare fangon eft tō rīce on þissum īegum in 1833 hæfþ Argentina acƿæþ his crafing for þæm.[1] In 1982 onsƿōg Argentinisc þreat þā Folcland Īegland and in þissum ƿīse begann sē Folcland Geƿinn hƿærin for tƿǣm mōnaþum feahton Brettas and Argentinaƿare, and hƿærof hæfde Brettas sige and sē Argentinisc þrēat ƿiþteah.
Siþþan þæm geƿinn, habbaþ þā īegland ƿeaxon mid fēoh fram fiscoþe and sīþe.
adihtanÞāra Folcland Īeglanda nama geaf him Iohannes Strong sciphlāford in 1690, for in þǣm geare seglede he hēr and anamede þone ƿæterscipe betƿuh þǣm tƿǣm mǣstum īegum "Falkland Sound" æfter Anthony Cary, fifte Healfeorl of Folcland. Strong lendede on þæm īegum in 1690.[2] Æfter manige ƿintra cƿōmon ēac Lidƿiccas on þā īega for fiscoþe and Louis Antoine de Bougainville geaf þone naman on Frencisce Îles Malouines in æfter Sancte Malo hȳðe.[3] Spēne and Argentine brucaþ þone naman Islas Malvinas fram þæm Frenciscan naman.[3]
Folcland Geƿinn
adihtan- Hēafodgeƿrits: Folcland Gewinn, and [[]], and [[]], and [[]], and [[]]
On 2 Ēastermonaþe 1982 onsƿōg Argentina þā Folcland Īegland and fyrðre Bryttisc landrīce þæs sūðernra gārsecges (þæt is Sūþgeorgia þā īeg. Sē hererǣd sē ricsode Argentinan siþðan 1976 sohtede lof þærof. Of Breten seglede þrēat eft to nimian þā īega and sē Folcland Geƿinn begann. Æfter scortum gūðe and grimum on brime and in lyfte lendedon Brettas æt San Carlos Ƿæter on 21 Þrimilcemonað and feahton on lande oþþæt þā Argentinaƿare seldon self on 14 Searmonað 1982.
Ēac sieh
adihtan- ↑ Country Profile: Falkland Islands, Sovereignty of the Islands. Countries & Regions. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (2007-07-27). Writen fram the original on 2008-04-19. Begieten on 2008-04-04.
- ↑ Peter J. Pepper. Port Desire and the Discovery of the Falklands. Falkland Islands Newsletter, No. 78, March 2001. Begieten on 2010-03-06.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Falkland Islands Guide. Blog at Begieten on 2010-03-06.