Sūðamerica (on Nīƿenglisce: South America) is sē sūþerne ƿorulddǣl American, ligende fullicum in þæm Ƿesterneum Healftrendele and mǣstlicum in þæm Sūþernum Healftrendele, mid smælum dǣlum in Norþe. Hit is ymbhammen on ƿest Sericus Garsecge and on norþ and ēast Westsæ; Norðamerica and sēo Caribbean Sǣ ligeaþ tō norþƿestum.
Sūðamerica habbaþ 17,840,000 km² lande, oþþe ælmǣst 3.5% of Eorðan fulne. Sƿā fram 2016, his landƿare ƿæs telleþ æt māra þanne 420 millgeon. Sūðamerica is fēorþa mid grīete (æfter Asia, Affrica, and Norðamerica) and fīfta mid landƿare (æfter Asia, Affrica, Europe, and Norðamerica).
Sūðamerica is ƿel missenlic mid līfe of Eorðan ƿorulddǣlum. Sūðamerica is hām manigum ungelīcum dēorum sƿā llama, anaconda, piranha, jaguar, vicuna, and tapir. Sē Amazon Regnƿeald hæfeþ micelne missenlicne mid līfe, mid micelum of Eorðan cyndum. Rīcu in Sūðamerica ymbhabbaþ Andean Rīcu, Guianas, Sūþerne Cone, and Brasil þæt is grēatest mid grīete and landƿare. * Fruma